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25.09.2020 15:02 Brantxyk
Alberta man arrested for murders of two aboriginal women dating back to to 2007

presented / RCMP

document Sidebar Share CloseShare this Story: , 2009 in Lloydminster Copy Link Email Facebook Twitter Reddit Pinterest LinkedIn TumblrArticle contentA 59 year old dating a latina man is facing first degree murder charges for the slayings of two aboriginal women found near Lloydminster dating back to 2007 and 2009.

Jeanette jessica Chief, 48, Was seenleaving a Lloydminster theater on June 2, 2007, And four days lower, RCMP found the body of mom of seven in a pond outsidethe northern town, 250 kms east of Edmonton.

Violet jessica Heathen, 49, Was seen getting a green pickup with a Saskatchewan licence plate outside the same Alberta Hotel on May 15, 2009. On nov. 7, 2009, RCMPfound her remains in a province between Lloydminster and Kitscoty, 230 km far east of Edmonton.

detectives including officers from K Division in Edmonton and RCMP in Saskatchewan said they will reveal more details Thursday about the man charged with both killings.

then, arrest noted that while these slayings were years apart, There were many characteristics, Including how much both women were from Saskatchewan's Onion Lake First Nation.

write-ups continuedFamily members pleading for tipsin 2010described Chief as "happy and healthy, But noted that her marriage had fallen apart many years earlierand that she had become transient, Moving approximately Onion Lake, just over the Alberta border, as well Lloydminster.

close relatives said it was uncharacteristic for Heathen to not make regularcontactwith family. once she vanished,Heathen's sibling, dark red Whitstone, Feared her sister had evolved into toalcohol, Making her more susceptible to predators.

"She was always believing and outgoing, these Whitstone.

The 59 year old man now in custody for both deaths is predicted to be named Thursday,possible formal charges of first degree murder.
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:D :( :) :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :mrgreen:
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